
Maartje's enthusiasm and curiosity knows no bounds. She loves museums, nature, food, walking, architecture, history, animals. Writing and photography is a big passion and she has been writing about cooking, minimalism, food, hotspots and travel for many years. Above all, she has a special place in her heart for castles, royal jewels and ancient Egypt. Maartje gave up her job as a lawyer to bring more balance to her life: less work and more life. Besides to The Orange Backpack, she works as a legal entrepreneur.

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You’re probably not associating an African country with coffee, like we didn’t either before traveling to Namibia. That is why we were surprised to find out that Namibia offers authentic coffee roasters and specialty coffee bars in Windhoek, Lüderitz and Swakopmund. So are you looking for the

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German architecture, a Dutch name and a backdrop of African mountains… Windhoek offers a unique combination of European and Afrikaans. Many travelers skip the Namibian capital to go on safari or explore the impressive nature directly upon arrival. We would recommend you not to skip Windhoek on

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