London is where the Harry Potter magic all started! Not only does the city appear in many films, this is also the place where writer J.K. Rowling got her inspiration. So any real Harry Potter fan should do a Potter theme tour around London to visit the best Harry Potter locations in London. We are happy to help you figure out where to go and will tell you with Harry Potter spots in London you can’t miss on your Harry Potter tour!
The best Harry Potter locations in London
#1 King’s Cross Station – Platform 9 3/4
Let’s start with probably the best-known Harry Potter spot in London. The Hogwarts Express departs every year from London at this platform to the famous wizard school. How you get to platform is a secret for non-magicians: you have to walk through the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Fans can make a photo at this exact point pretending to be entering the secret platform!
Be warned: there is usually a long queue. That’s why we skipped this famous highlight on our Harry Potter tour. What if you don’t want to miss platform 9 3/4 on your trip? Then come as early as possible.
#2 Millennium Bridge from Harry Potter
In the sixth Harry Potter film – The Halfblood Prince – this bridge is attacked by a group of Death Eaters commissioned by Voldemort. The bridge starts to vibrate slowly and then collapses. Fun fact: when the bridge was just completed, there was a lot of commotion about the wobbling of the bridge. The way the bridge collapses is said to be a wink from the director to this commotion.
#3 Trafalgar Square
On this large square in exactly the heart of London the last film premiered. But this is also a spot where J.K. Rowling got some inspiration for her books. Do you want to know where exactly? Just take a look at the South African embassy. It is the beautiful building with animals from South Africa on the walls. Ff you look closely, you will recognise the entrance. Do you see how the wizarding bank Griphook was modelled after it? The scenes in the bank itself are actually taken a little further, at the Australian embassy.
#4 Cecil Court and Goodwin’s Court
The street Cecil Court is said to been the inspiration for the Diagon Alley. There are some interesting bookshops in this small street, including one that has been selling spell books for decades. Not much further is Goodwin’s Court, on which the Knocktrun Alley was based. It’s a narrow and atmospheric street as well, but with a somewhat darker atmosphere. Fans draw symbols from Harry Potter in the dust on the doors.
#5 The Ministry of Magic
The political heart of the wizarding world is also in London and you can een spot it as a Muggle. On the corner of Great Scotland Yard and Scotland Place was the telephone booth that’s the visitors’ entrance for the ministry. And what about the staff entrance? Those were the toilets, do you remember? That scene was filmed in front of the the Ministry of Defense.
Another film location? Harry and Mr. Weasley take the metro to the Ministry’s visitors’ entrance. That scene was shot at Westminster Station.
#6 Picadilly Circus
This is already one of the popular stops on a city trip to London. But do you remember that scene in which Harry, Hermione and Ron are apparate here? They almost run into a double-decker bus.
#7 Laedenhall Market
Does this place look familiar? Then rewatch the first Harry Potter film. Hagrid and Harry walk through this beautiful hall on their way to the Diagon Alley.
Interested in more Harry Potter for your London trip?
There is so much more around London! You could book tickets for the Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play. Or get some tickets for the Harry Potter studios not far outside of London. Our inspiration for this blog post was an amazing free Harry Potter tour from Strawberry Tours, highly recommended! In this blog, the tour guide mentions even more film locations just outside the city center of London.